Semi-Closed prepaid Wallet business: Issuance of multipurpose prepaid SR Plus Wallet as a payment option alternative to cash for large segment of population in the country that is unable to use e-payment / m-payment facility since they do not have debit/credit cards.
(Semi-Closed prepaid SR Plus Wallet business is governed by the PSS Act and the RBI Guidelines).
The Company offers safe and easy payment option to every customer for seamless transactions across M-Commerce and E-Commerce domains. The Company has introduced multi-purpose prepaid SR Plus Wallet (known as "SR Plus eWallet") which can be used to purchase various goods and services Online/On-mobile/IVRS from affiliated merchants based on "anywhere-anytime" concept which would result in increased sales for all affiliated merchants and safety and convenience for the customer. The Company is helping business organizations to expand markets by supporting sales channels convergence with its payments options.
As a service provider industry, customer service and customer satisfaction are the prime concerns of the Company and the object of this policy is to minimize instances of customer complaints through proper service delivery and review mechanism and prompt redressal of various types of Customer Grievance Redressal Policy customer complaints.
The Company is in the business of issuance of Semi-Closed prepaid SR Plus Wallet and is authorised by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to operate a Payment System. It is governed by the Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007("the PSS Act"), Regulations made under and the Issuance and Operation of Prepaid Payment Instruments in India (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2009 ("the RBI Guidelines") laid down by the RBI.
As required under the Clause 12.2 of the said RBI Guidelines, the Company has developed a procedure for promptly attending to grievances of the customers in respect of various issues pertaining to SR Plus Wallet as online payment mode. This is done by setting up an internal two tier system in the form of "Customer Support" and a grievance redressal mechanism in the form of "Customers Grievance Redressal Committee", as hereinafter provided.
- This Policy is called the "Customers Grievance Redressal Policy".
- It shall apply to the business of the Company in India.
- It shall come into force from 1st day of December, 2013
- It shall apply only to Semi-closed prepaid SR Plus Wallet business as mentioned under point 3 above.
- It is available on the website of the Company
Section 1 - Definitions
- 'Company' shall mean One SR Plus Systems Private Limited. which is carrying on the business of issuance of Prepaid Payment Instruments, payment processing, payment collection and related services by facilitating payment solutions to the Customer for buying goods and services through any digital/electronic medium.
- 'Complainant' shall mean the Customer who has a Grievance.
- 'Customer' shall mean the holder and/or user of SR Plus Wallet and/or any of the system participants of the Company.
- 'Grievance' shall mean communication in any form by a customer that expresses dissatisfaction about an action or lack of action by, or about the standard of service of the Company and/or its representative, in relation to use of SR Plus Wallet.
- 'SR Plus Wallet' shall mean the activated and valid Semi-closed prepaid wallet and all variants of the same issued by the Company.
'Payment System' means a system that enables payment to be effected between a payer and a beneficiary involving clearing, payment or settlement service or all of them but Customer Grievance Redressal Policy does not include a stock exchange.
'Redressal' shall mean the final disposal of the Grievance of the Complainant by the Company.
'System Participant' shall mean Bank or any other person participating in a payment system and includes the system provider as per the PSS Act.
'System Provider' shall mean a person who operates and authorizes payment system.
'Week' shall mean consecutive seven Working Days.
- 'Working Day' shall mean any day (other than Sunday & Public Holiday) on which the Company's Corporate Office is open for business.
Section 2 - Principles Governing Company's Policy
The Company's policy on grievance redressal is governed by the following principles:
- Customer shall be treated fairly at all times.
- Complaints raised by customers shall be attended with courtesy and in time.
- Customers shall be fully informed of avenues for grievance redressal within the organization and their right to approach the Customers Grievance Redressal Committee in case they are not fully satisfied with the response of the Customer Support.
The Company's Officer-in-Charge of Customer Support must work in good faith keeping in mind this policy of the Company.